MDF 25/34mm nyers | |||
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fekete magasfényű poliészter (zongoralakk) |
When it comes to down to it everything is only as good as the complete system it allows. Because all expenditure would be worth only the half, if the cabinet or the crossover denies the necessary precision for the Manger® sound transducer and takes influence on a best possible result. For this it was taken care in a large extent at the development of the new version of the Zerobox® 103. Details of the enclosure and crossover improvements clearly demonstrate the new Zerobox 103’s superb sophistication of design and engineering. The thickness of the cabinet walls, for example, is strategically varied to prevent longitudinal or transversal waves from creating unwanted resonance. Moreover, an ingenious mechanical bracing design greatly enhances the cabinet’s superior stiffness. Then to further dampen and stabilise the new Zerobox 103, specially formulated resonate-absorbing materials are applied to the cabinet’s inner walls. The design and engineering feats do not stop there however. Manger engineers utilise their proven closed cabinet design (no reflex port in the lower bass section) to further ensure against unwanted resonance.
The crossover is critical to any loudspeaker’s performance, including the Zerobox 103. Taking a cost no object approach, and to fully realise the unparalleled sonic attributes of the Zerobox 103, separate high and low pass crossovers, „zero-ohm” transformer core coils, and the industry’s highest quality capacitors are all that is allowed onboard. Finally, cross-talk attenuation is a non-issue due to the superb design and layout of the crossover network.
No description of a Zerobox loudspeaker would be complete without mentioning the very „heart n soul” of its great sonic reproduction capabilities the world renowned Manger Sound Transducer. Perfectly framed and supported by a highly engineered enclosure, the upper section of the Zerobox 103 is home to three Manger Sound Transducers, which are cleverly positioned to fully allow this speaker to „strut its stuff”.
From its huge, wide open, holographic soundstage, to its pinpoint precision and incredible detail, the zerobox 103 is nothing short of astounding, a music lover’s dream come true. Seamless top to bottom consistency, pure, articulate upper bass and midrange, with airy detailed highs all add up to one thing… this is the benchmark loudspeaker of tomorrow.
MDF 25/34mm nyers | |||
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selyemfényű fafurnér | |||
fekete magasfényű poliészter (zongoralakk) |