Az AudioNet PRE I alapján fejlesztett többcsatornás előerősítő
With the MAP I Audionet presents a new decoder system for high-quality home entertainment. The MAP I decodes all home cinema and surround sound formats, allows the reproduction of 2 up to 8 channels, offers unique adjustment and correction capabilities, uses newest interface technologies and is, because of its architecture, via software and hardware updates always up-to-date for future applications. As all other devices from Audionet the MAP I garantees unique sound performance and stands in tradition to its big brother MAP V2, which is for many experts one of the very rare decoder preamplifiers at all, that uncompromisingly combines audiophile sound quality with state-of-the-art home cinema technology.
The MAP I decodes all digital home cinema and surround sound formats, including Dolby Pro Logix IIx, DTS 96/24 and via Audionets” highbit interface even DVD audio. This makes it possible to drive up to 7.1 channels.
The unique delay-, speaker- and bass-management is freely adjustable in all parameters. So, every speaker ensemble can be configured.
The MAP I has a high-performance digital parametric equalizer that can correct disturbing influences caused by your listening room. Audionets” „intelligent sampling technology” and „double-precision-bassmanagement” guarantee best sound performance and the best price (4390€)!