
Prima hangdoboz


A Prima egy nagyon nagy érzékenységű, kompakt hangdoboz. Fantasztikus dinamikája és alacsony torzítású, természetes hangzásra képes, még magas hangerőszinteken is.

This diffuser is equipped with a couple of reflex ducts on the rear side which may be closed with two polyurethane cylinders. Other  improvement has been made on then cabinet    (more rigid) and the cross-over.

The new 7” woofer is a custom model, made by Scanspeak, for the whole new Classica series. This woofer has an excellent performance in the mid frequencies enough to be used as a midrange in the Quinta model. It is equipped with an aluminum diaphragm,  a 38 mm coil (two-layer, CCWA wire) with aluminium former immersed in a suitably shaped air gap. There is also a metal ring around the pole piece to control the flux variations. The basket is die-cast for maximum stiffness. Compared to its predecessor the volume displacement is increased by a significant 25%. The rigid aluminium diaphragm is free from  subharmonics and from transverse modes and perfectly reproduces the lower frequencies. The two woofers, connected in parallel, share the same 40 liters enclosed volume.

The tweeter, a D26 series made by Scanspeak, has a one inch high quality treated soft dome, double magnet, decompression chamber, ferrofluid, aluminum flange and a one mm. peak to peak linear excursion (the double of a conventional tweeter). The frequency response extends to 30kHz (0 dB) and 40 kHz are reproduced 6 dB down. The resonant frequency is about 860 Hz which makes this tweeter insensitive to vibrations from other loudspeakers (if any due to the heavy 30 mm MDF the front panel).


Felépítés: 2 utas, állványos, előre sugárzó bassz-reflex

Méretek: 22 x 32 x 34 cm (LxHxD)
Súly: 8 kg
Felület: bőr – fa
Hangszórók: 1x 6,5 „mélyközépsugárzó (Scanspeak)

1″ lágy dóm magassugárzó ferrofluid, kettős mágnessel, dekompressziós kamrával (Scanspeak),

Frekvenciamenet: 40-20000 Hz
Keresztváltó: 12 dB / oct
Keresztezési frekvencia: 200
0 Hz

Érzékenység: 91 dB / 1 watt / 1 méter

Erősítő igény: 10 watt RMS vagy több
Maximális teljesítmény 70 watt RMS
Névleges impedancia 4 ohm (Z min> 4 ohm)
Elhelyezés: távol a szoba sarkától

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