
TT3 tangencionális hangkar


High-End introduction

A kar a tangenciális felépítés minden előnyével és kimagasló árérték arányával rendelkezik. A hangszedő előtolása ennél a karnál is, tisztán mechanikus módon történik. A precíziós hangkarbázis különös stabil kivitelű, egy mozdulattal lehetővé teszi a lemezcsere megkönnyebbítéséhez a kar függőlegesbe állítását és ennek a tangenciális hangkarnak is tartozéka.

Experience the power of audiophile music reproduction with an astonishing lack of distortion – hear music in its purest form without compromise.Even the smaller model in our series of tangential tonearms embodies the Clearaudio philosophy of uncompromising optimisation of the playback of records. The TT3 is totally mechanically controlled and requires no power assistance. This guarantees a flawless musical signal without noise. Polished glass and extremely smooth bearings provide friction free movement of the cartridge and minimum resonance. The TT3 shares with its bigger brothers in the TT range an integrated mechanism for fine height adjustment and elegant cueing.



CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Patented two–point tangential tracking, resonance–optimized chassis
Version: silver aluminium
DRIVE Strictly mechanical – Selected high precision ball bearings running in a calibrated polished glass tube
AUDIO LEAD RCA connection / Directwire is possible
TOTAL WEIGHT Approx. 670 gram without base
Base only: approx. 235 gram
DIMENSIONS (W/D/H in inches) Approx. 10.3 x 4 x 2
DIMENSIONS (W/D/H in mm) Approx. 260 x 100 x 50
WARRANTY 5 years*
* Only if the Manufacturer’s guarantee card is filled out correctly and sent back within 2 weeks to Clearaudio.

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